About The Book
Stepping Out Of The Maze is a life-changing book that brings you close to God and his power. Many people are afraid of stepping out of their comfort zones, but God is always there to help us. In this book, you’ll see how God can work in your life if you let him. It’s an invitation for you to go deeper into the discovery of who God is, whether you are being introduced to Him for the first time or reintroduced. Go deeper into a relationship with Jesus the son of God and become a disciple of His ways on earth. This book is a guide to help you find your way out of the maze of life and into the arms of God. It will teach you how to surrender your life to Jesus and follow His lead. The story in this book is relatable and easy to connect with on a personal level.

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Stepping Out Of The Maze
Kimberly Hood’s first book, Stepping Out of The Maze, is exquisite and will render readers speechless. It’s a tale of hope, faith, connecting with God. Hood’s book is truly a life-changing story that will inspire you to be a better person and connect with God.