About Me
My process of
writing my book
I began by writing everything by hand in a notebook. The process was long but helpful because it helped me to organize my thoughts. Initially, my writing took on more of a therapeutic purpose. It caused me to look critically at my life and make connections that I had not made before and deal with some emotions that were suppressed.
My writings were very raw at the beginning with uncovering of situations and circumstances where I had maintained silence. The process was therapeutic because it gave me a voice to speak about when I did not feel empowered to speak. Writing provided an outlet to speak my truth without interruptions, interjections, or being silenced.
There was much opposition in the spirit realm to the completion of my book. The first twenty pages of my very raw handwritten, unedited copies of my manuscript were leaked and there were many setbacks and much opposition to the completion of my manuscript.
Author Of Stepping Out Of The Maze
My creative process included getting up very early in the morning before work and having writing sessions. I felt highly motivated for writing very early in the morning. My next window was the evenings after work and the weekend was my most concentrated writing opportunity. I started with an outline of what I wanted to communicate.Through many tweaking, I decided on the most valuable parts of my messaging and began to elaborate in those areas only.
My writing process took roughly six months. Of course, this was not writing time actually but included stops and starts. There was a very strong element of retaliation towards the writing of my manuscript. There were cycles of warfare throughout, but I recovered and now I have a completed book.
My motivation for writing this manuscript was to bring hope to those who have been in any dark place in their life. Dark places from choices, situations or circumstances, or any bondage in life. The hope and the freedom from the darkest most hopeless situations are through a divine relationship. This divine relationship comes through intimacy with God the Father through a saving knowledge of His son Jesus our savior, intercessor, and the empowerment of the Holy Spirit who is the helper and the teacher.
The reader should know that this manuscript is unlike any other because it chronicles in brief the adversity experienced that to my knowledge no one has survived to this point. This is a manuscript of triumph and overcoming extreme opposition through the assistance of angelic armies and special forces of higher intelligence working in cooperation to fight the darkness.